DoberKürtős, the original Kürtőskalács innovators
Dober Kürtős provides both the global catering industry and domestic customers with equipment used to make kürtős kalács, kurtosh, chimney cakes, chimney cones, trdelnik, trdlo or baumstriezel.
If you are looking to establish a new chimney cake business or want to bake at home as a home baker, mobile vendor or as a fixed location vendor, then you have come to the right place, so get in touch today!
Dober Kürtős – The Chimney cake, Chimney cones, Trdelnik, & Baumstriezel experts

Dober KürtőS Training
a world of chimney cake innovation awaits you @KürtősAcademy
We have welcomed customers from all over the world to the Kürtős Academy located in central Europe for in-house training & have travelled halfway across the planet, to pass on the necessary skills needed to become a great Chimney cake baker.

Customer testimonials
download the DoberKürtős brochure…
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